How do I begin?
This page allows our website visitors to find the location of relatives and friends buried at one of the Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of Phoenix. Enter first or last name of your loved one and click "search". For best search results, search by last name only. If that yields too many matches, try searching by the first two letters of the first name and the last name.
Initial Search Criteria
You may search by first or last name, keeping in mind the more general the search the more extensive the list will be and the more time it may take to load your results. Other variations of the name you are searching may show up in your list.
What does the other information mean and what if it is incorrect?
Listed below the name of the deceased are the Section, Lot and Grave location as well as any Date of Birth, Date of Death and Burial Date we have on file. Years ago, the date of birth and death were not always recorded. If you find a missing entry or an incorrect date, we encourage you to Contact Us with the appropriate information.
Living Memorial Pages and Obituaries
By clicking on the name of the deceased, you will then be taken to their Living Memorial page. On the Living Memorial page, to the right you will see “Obituary” and “Burial Location”.
Clicking on “Obituary” will allow you to view it if available. Obituaries for our most recent burials are added automatically, but older burials have not been entered. We are working on entering all obituaries, but until that is completed, we invite you to Contact Us to request an obituary be added.
How do I order flowers for my loved one?
To order flowers for a loved one, use the “Locate a Loved One” feature and select the “Order Flowers” icon to the right of the search result.